February 2, 2022

Westport Personal Trainer

Building Fitness into a Lifestyle and Awakening the Healthy Person Within – Westport, CT Working out isn’t about trends or extremes. Building a fitness lifestyle is […]
February 2, 2022

Personal Trainer New Cannan

Creating Fitness a Lifestyle and Awakening the Person Inside – New Cannan What is Fitness? It’s not about trends or extremes, it’s about a lifestyle. The […]
October 12, 2021

Benefits Of Exercise

Exercise – What are the Benefits and Why You Should Get Started Have you been putting off starting a regular exercise routine? Are you lacking the […]
October 12, 2021

Frequently Asked Fitness Questions (Part 2)

Answering Fitness Questions Regularly Asked Sooner or later, everyone will make the decision that they need to take the steps to improve their health and fitness.  […]
September 10, 2021

Working Out When You’re Over 50

Exercising at 50-plus Aimed at Keeping Your Weight in Check and Other Reasons to Workout You have made it to 50 or more and you have […]
September 10, 2021

Frequently Asked Fitness Questions (Part 1)

Answering Fitness Questions Often Asked Eventually, everyone will decide it is important to take the steps to improve their health and fitness. Often, where to start […]